Greetings West Side Members,
More than 40 years ago, God directed me to the ministry of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations. Not wanting to quit doing what I love, I went part-time two years ago and jettisoned 13 of my 15 western states, 2,500 of 3,000 CMDA members, and 65 of 75 medical & dental campuses. So, as long as God allows, I plan to continue serving the medicos, i.e., the physicians, dentists, PAs, NPs, and others in Washington and Oregon. I oversee, encourage, equip, and educate volunteer leaders, including docs serving as campus advisors, student leaders of campus chapters, and graduate leaders serving as practicing docs. I visit and speak on the 10 CMDA medical & dental campuses several times yearly, as well as community groups. As individuals request coaching or counseling, I am privileged to comply. Finally, I am blessed to visit retired doctors and sometimes participate in their memorial services. I have been blessed with many life-long friends as we have aged together. 
Medicine and our general culture have radically changed in the past 40 years. But human nature has not changed, though we struggle with new issues as we bump up against our largely unbiblical culture. So, in their pursuit and practice of medicine, as in the Church, some flourish as they seek God and his kingdom first, while others get swept up in the short-term promises our culture offers to those practicing medicine.
Pray for Christian medical students and doctors, their patients, and their families. Pray they will all seek first God's Kingdom and his righteousness and leave the results to him. 
Thank you for your faithful prayers and generous support which allows me to represent you to our Christian medicos in Washington and Oregon. 
Keep Abiding,
Michael McLaughlin
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